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Class Action

Settlement Reached in Charter Communications Class Action Lawsuit

  Wage and Hour Class Action Lawsuit Against Charter Communications Finds a Resolution St. Louis, MO – Charter Communications and plaintiffs in the wage and hour class action lawsuit Marc Goodell, et. al. v. Charter…

Settlement Reached in Charter Communications Class Action Lawsuit

Personal Injury

GTW Client Awarded $500,000 by Jury in Personal Injury Case Against Menards

  Plaintiff Was Injured on Store Premises When a Fork Lift Ran Into Him Gingras, Thomsen & Wachs (GTW) client, Neal Anderson, was awarded $500,000 by a Dane County jury the personal injury case against…

GTW Client Awarded $500,000 by Jury in Personal Injury Case Against Menards

GTW Cases

Madison Festivals, Inc. Names Attorney Heath Straka to its board of directors.

Madison Festivals, Inc. Names Attorney Heath Straka to its board of directors. Download the PDF.

Madison Festivals, Inc. Names Attorney Heath Straka to its board of directors.

Civil Rights

Hiebing Settles Lawsuit Against UW Campus Police

Hiebing Was Tasered by University Police in 2009 Margaret Hiebing, who was Tasered by UW Police at last year’s Badger football game against Penn State, settled her lawsuit against UW campus police officers Tamara Kowalski and Peter…

Hiebing Settles Lawsuit Against UW Campus Police

GTW Cases

GTW Attorney Paul Kinne was elected To Middleton’s Common Council

GTW Attorney Paul Kinne was elected to the City of Middleton’s Common Council in April 2009. Kinne’s term will end in April 2011. Kinne represents District 1.

GTW Attorney Paul Kinne was elected To Middleton’s Common Council

GTW Cases

Robert Gingras is named by Madison Magazine as a 2009 Top Lawyer

(MADISON, WI) Dozens of Wisconsin corn growers filed a class action lawsuit in federal court on Friday, February 13, 2014, seeking redress against Syngenta AG, a manufacturer of genetically modified corn seed.

Robert Gingras is named by Madison Magazine as a 2009 Top Lawyer

Nationally Recognized Law Firm