Avoid a Boating Accident with These Top Tips
July 17, 2019
Summer in Wisconsin is a time to get outside and enjoy the sun. Avoid a boating accident and remember these tips the next time you're on the water.
Personal Injury
Toxic mold is the subject of mounting health concerns as well as numerous lawsuits. Here’s what you should know about toxic mold and how to deal with it.
Defective Products
Defective product liability claims are broad, but claims typically fall into three categories. Learn more about these categories to determine whether you have a valid claim.
Personal Injury
Determining legal responsibility for an accident can be complicated, find out the actions you need to take to prove fault in a personal injury accident.
Personal Injury
When it comes to basic accident claims you may be able to handle your own case, without a lawyer or an insurance company. In fact, if your losses were minor, and if you are armed with the proper information, you may end up with more compensation if you handle your claim yourself because you won't have to pay lawyers' fees. Learn how.
Motorcycle Accidents
When bikes get into accidents with cars, it's scary. If you are the one riding the bike, it's important to keep your wits about you after the crash. What you do in the immediate aftermath of the accident may have a big impact on how much you recover for your injuries and damage to your bike. It may also affect the outcome of any lawsuits resulting from the accident.
Medical Malpractice
Special rules apply to injuries caused by medical malpractice during emergency medical care. State laws protect "first responders" from most lawsuits.
Personal Injury
If you’re injured in a car accident there are simple things you can do to ensure your safety and coverage of the crash. Here are a few helpful tips to know about car accidents.
Defective Products
If you have been injured or suffered other damages because of a product you used, you may have a defective product liability claim. To start, you must be able to prove that the defective product caused your injuries.
Personal Injury
If you're considering filing a personal injury lawsuit over a car accident, slip and fall, or any other kind of injury, you may be wondering "What is my case really worth?" The dollar amount depends on the extent of your injuries and how your life has changed as a result.
Personal Injury
Wisconsin pedestrians can protect themselves by staying alert and following common-sense rules of the road.